D&C 20:10-12

10 And thy brother Oliver shall continue in bearing my name before the world, and also to the church. And he shall not suppose that he can say enough in my cause; and lo, I am with him to the end.

11 In me he shall have glory, and not of himself, whether in weakness or in strength, whether in bonds or free;

12 And at all times, and in all places, he shall open his mouth and declare my gospel as with the voice of a trump, both day and night. And I will give unto him strength such as is not known among men.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Loving Life in Marbella

***Killing a missionary means that you are their companion as they complete their mission.  Just to be clear, Hayden is not a murderer.  :)

This week has been interesting, we officially killed Elder Scheible, and I officially had my first baptism! So that is pretty cool. I'll fill you in.

Elder Scheible finished his mission on Wednesday. With two years of service behind him, he was ready to move on, but those last two days, you could tell that emotionally, he was torn up.  He served well, and many people are going to remember him for what he did.

Now, Elder V and I have taken charge of the work here in Marbella. We never have proselyting time that is wasted by wandering around the streets, because we have a ton of people to go and visit. Some of the people we have met are really flojo (literally, limp.  But we use it like -lazy-). Luckily, we have other people to visit when others don't answer their door. 

This week, we officially had a baptism. On the 23rd. All we did was organize it, because the girl that got baptized was all ready to go by the time that we arrived here to Marbella. In Almería, we had set a baptismal date on a man named R, (the really tiny one in the photos) for the 23rd. Then, the Lord took me out of Almeria, and put me here. However, the Lord still gave me a baptism on the 23rd of this month, because he is awesome.

The little girl that got baptized lives with her Grandma who got baptized a year ago. They are from Bulgaria. L reminds me so much of Regan, like, in every way possible. Haha.

Elder V and I have been working hard on contacting still, finding members, and helping people to improve their lives. 

We also hiked a mountain on Last P-day, here are a few pictures in Dropbox.

I also got to play my violin at the Baptismal Service, which was a lot of fun. We didn't have a ton of preparation, but we pulled it off. Another Elder at the end of the service was a little dumbstruck at the musical number, regardless of how simple it was.   Haha, I still got it!  (still working on that humility thing...)

Anyways, it was a great week, and we are looking forward to another super tiring week. Love you lots, and send my regards to everybody! Even random people in the street. Get started on contacting!

Love you lots,
Os quiero mucho!
Elder Oliver

PS I received a letter with like a million little notes from girl's camp(?) this week. The letters made my day, and I hope that everybody that wrote me something knows that I appreciate it a lot!

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