D&C 20:10-12

10 And thy brother Oliver shall continue in bearing my name before the world, and also to the church. And he shall not suppose that he can say enough in my cause; and lo, I am with him to the end.

11 In me he shall have glory, and not of himself, whether in weakness or in strength, whether in bonds or free;

12 And at all times, and in all places, he shall open his mouth and declare my gospel as with the voice of a trump, both day and night. And I will give unto him strength such as is not known among men.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

April 28 Email

This week we as a mission have a goal of becoming more exactly obedient to both the laws of the mission, and the laws of God. Both in the letter and the spirit. The Lord has told us, that all blessings come through obedience (Doctrine and Covenants 130:20-21), and that when we obey, the Lord is obliged to bless us (D&C 82:10).

If there is a lack, or a stagnation of blessings, surely there must be a lack of obedience. That is why as a mission we have decided to root out every last disobedience. We have been working hard, being obedient, being ever stronger and working together to work miracles here in Spain. By changing our own nature, we are capable of lifting others even higher. Closer to our Lord, Jesus Christ. We are his servants, called to do his work.

This last week, as a preparation for our week of obedience, we have been extra obedient in A, and guess what as happened! We found 3 new investigators! One of them is a kid named D. He is 18 years old, and over the last few weeks of playing soccer and cooking pancakes he has finally warmed up to the idea of the gospel. He has noticed that even though we are almost at exactly the same stages in our lives, in between high school and college, we are just a lot happier and hopeful. We don't worry about the same thing he worries about, questions that nag at the back of the mind, that nag the soul. He has warmed up to our message, and accepted the invitation to begin reading the Book of Mormon. 

We are hoping to help him understand the greatness of life, the eternal nature of our spirits, and our Heavenly Father's plan for him. We find great peace in the fact that there is a plan set out for us. Our God is not a god of disorder, but order. We can have faith that everything will work out well, as long as we do everything in our power to follow him. We're not perfect, and we don't pretend to be, but with Jesus Christ on our side we can do anything. Become anything.

This week has helped bring into focus what my goals are for my next 15 months. That's right. I have already passed my 9 month mark out here. I have written a list of things that I am working on. Imperfections in my nature, weaknesses, and annoying quirks. This list constitutes things that make it difficult to have the guidance of the holy spirit, or get along with people, or love people. I have noticed that as I have become conscious of these things and continuously work on polishing up my nature, I have been able to feel the guidance of the Holy Spirit more in my life. There are many things that make me imperfect, but with the help of Christ, and by obedience to his laws, I can become something better.

Have you guys seen the videos of the cultural celebration for the Gilbert Temple dedication?? Wow! That was fantastic! That is probably why this email isn't as long as you hope for!

I love you all!
I hope you have a great week:)
Os quiero mucho!
Elder Oliver

ps. I'll update you better next week!

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