D&C 20:10-12

10 And thy brother Oliver shall continue in bearing my name before the world, and also to the church. And he shall not suppose that he can say enough in my cause; and lo, I am with him to the end.

11 In me he shall have glory, and not of himself, whether in weakness or in strength, whether in bonds or free;

12 And at all times, and in all places, he shall open his mouth and declare my gospel as with the voice of a trump, both day and night. And I will give unto him strength such as is not known among men.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Music and the Holy Ghost

So, I tried to upload a bunch of photos, but today my camera doesn't work in the locutorio, nor in the chapel, so I will need to do the whole long process of transferring them in the little DVD player in the apartment to my flash drive, and then hopefully next week, I will be able to send you some pictures!

So, a lack of photos necessitates lots of description, so I will try my best.

So, where we live is on the norther edge of Almería. A 30 minute walk from any of the other missionaries or shopping centers. That is a serious bummer, however, we live 2 minute away from the chapel, so that is really nice. And, our apartment isn't bad. I still haven't organized my things from my suitcases, but I am making progress, slowly but surely. There are a few really nice things about our piso, 1 wooden floors. It is a really nice change from the constant tile. tile on the floors, walls, and sometimes, ceiling. 2 I FOUND A VACUUM CLEANER!! That made my day today. I found it, and thought that it was broken, but it turns out that it works really well, and now our piso is completely dust free! 3 Electric heating. Now we don't have to worry about running out butane on Sunday morning... That was one of the worst things in Algeciras. We buy butane on Monday, enjoy hot showers all week, until sunday morning, when it runs out, and we can't go buy another one until Monday afternoon. So yeah, I like this piso a lot!

We have a few investigators, and we are working well with a kid named O. He is the oldest kid in the family of Gypsies that got baptized a few weeks ago. Just in the last 2 weeks we have seen a huge difference in his openness to the gospel. This last Sunday he came to church. In a red t-shirt and gym sweats, but he still came! Luckily, Elder Eagle Scout Oliver brought an extra necktie, and let him borrow that for the meetings. I have to say, he looked a bit odd wearing that tie, but he wore it, and that was good.

Today we played paddle. It is the Spanish form of tennis, so in other words, it is lazy tennis. The ball is allowed to touch the walls behind and on the side of the court, so you don't have to worry too much about hitting the ball the first time it passes you. The 8 missionaries here went to the paddle court in the apartment complex of our ward mission leader. He is a great leader, and does everything and more that what a good ward mission leader should do.

We work in a couple of pueblos out here, and it is rather difficult to get to know the names and patterns of 4-5 different cities. Luckily, in Alhama, there are a couple of members that make really good food, so I won't complain too much. And about food, I haven't put on any more weight in the last 8 weeks, which is good. Because 8 weeks ago I peaked. That is the heaviest I have ever been, however, I don't understand where I got fatter. I don't see much of a difference anywhere on my body. In fact, my calves have gotten smaller, so that should account for a few kilos, haha.

Towards more spiritual stuff, just about everybody knows that I am a musician. I love music, and without it, I would not be who I am today. In fact, by teaching a little bit of piano to O, he has opened up towards the gospel way faster than expected.  I think that is one of my greatest tools out here in the mission field. I have the ability to share my more tender and sensitive side. Music opens my heart, and other people can feel it.
Another thing many of you now know about. I have a growing fascination with language. I speak English and Spanish, and am in the process of learning the basics of a few other languages. I feel like this scripture fits the purpose of language 

''For my soul delighteth in plainness; for after this manner doth the Lord God work among the children of men. For the Lord God giveth light unto the understanding; for he speaketh unto men according to their language, unto their understanding.''
         2 Nephi 31:3

   If we, as servants of God, want to join in his work, we need to speak unto the understanding of men. If we have faith, work hard, and are worthy, the Lord will help us. And, in some cases completely fill us with the gift of tongues, as seen in Acts 2:1-12

 1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.

 2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.

 3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire,and it sat upon each of them.

 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

 5 And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven.

 6 Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together,and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language.

 7 And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another,Behold, are not all these which speak Galilæans?

 8 And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?

 9 Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in Judæa, and Cappadocia, in Pontus, and Asia,

 10 Phrygia, and Pamphylia, in Egypt, and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes,

 11 Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God.

 12 And they were all amazed, and were in doubt, saying one to another, What meaneth this?

The Holy Ghost communicates to us the things of God, and for him, there are no language barriers. For me, I communicate my passion and testimony through music, and music has no language barriers. So if A=B and B=C, then A=C, which means that there is a lot in common between music and the Holy Ghost.  1 Not partial to any language 2 Cuts to the heart 3 Helps you remember things that you knew before.

So, I think my love of music and obsession with language will help me to bring the Spirit into the lives of those I meet, and that they may feel the love and power of God.

So, that is my week.
Jag älskar er! (Os quiero!)

Elder Oliver 

Monday, May 19, 2014

I am Not Ashamed of the Gospel of Christ

Well, here I am in my new area, Almería North! We work in the little pueblos here, in Huercal, in Alhama, and a few others. I have only been here a few days, but I already love this place. The ward is strong. About 140-160 in attendance every week, leaders in every position, that already know how to lead, or are learning how to lead well, LOTS of converts (recently baptized members), and lots of gypsies. In fact, Elder S baptized a whole family of Gypsies last transfer, so we pass by their house a couple of times a week. They are the first Gypsies that I have really gotten to know well, and they are awesome! Within the few short weeks of learning about the gospel, they completely stopped drinking alcohol, smoking, coffee, tea, and started everything that they needed to do to continually learn and progress in the gospel.

Now, the 16 year old kid goes out with us all the time. When we are walking down the street with him, he calls people out, tells them to sit down, and we end up teaching a lesson. Seriously, this kid has no shame at all of the Gospel of Christ. May we all learn to be like this kid.

My comp is awesome. Last week I told you that is from Sweden, which is awesome. More language to absorb for me! He is a Sueco Chileno, mom is Chilena, and his dad is Sueco. He speaks Swedish and Spanish perfectly, and English pretty well. This week we are going to teach a class of English/Swedish in the chapel. He has had some trouble with past companions, but something between him and I just clicks, and we get along really well. He is super musical, and we are going to do some cool musical stuff.

I hope you all have a great day, because now I need to go. Spread the Word, Study the Word!
Os quiero mucho!
Elder Oliver

Next week, I promise that I will write more!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Hayden loves his mommy!

Farewell to Algeciras

This Sunday was awesome! I got to say farewell to the people I love here in Algeciras, and talk to my family, and have a great dinner lesson with a member family here. There are many, many good things that are going on here in Algeciras, and it breaks my heart to have to leave here at this moment. Haha, don't get me wrong, 2 months ago, I was dying to leave. I was not having a good time. 

However, Bird and I worked our butts off, and we have seen the blessings that come from that kind of work. Elder Allan, the one that is coming here, will have a lot better of a 1st transfer here than I did.

I can't think of anything to tell you guys, that skype session last night fried my brain. It usually takes about 24 hours to recover from a skype session with the family. So many things have changed! My brothers and sister are growing up! Landon talks like a man, Porter is going to be a senior, all the rest are so much faster in the pool. There are so many things that are probably going to surprise me when I get home...

Some of the best things that I have received here in Algeciras, are friends. Elder Oldroyd, Proctor, Bird, Dansie, and Pascua, not to mention the members and our investigators! These are friends that I will always love, and think back fondly on the time that we shared together, and all the stuff that we did together. These guys are some of my closest friends now. We have been through a lot together.

Sorry, next Monday, I will have a much longer email to fill you in how transfers went, my first impressions of Elder S, and Almeria.  And, I will send you lots (maybe) of photos.

This Saturday, there may be a baptism there in Almeria, so, that will be cool. 

I hope nobody is too disappointed with this sloppily thrown together email, and my scattered thoughts. 

Os quiero mucho!
Elder Oliver

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

May 5 Email

Who knows? I suppose that I will be leaving this next week. As in a week, I very well could be packed up and on my way to the next city that needs to hear the Gospel from my mouth. That has caused me some serious reflection, as well as this last week of consecration. I have mentally gone over everything that I have done in my 4 months here in A. Why? Because we didn't baptize anybody here. As missionaries, baptisms are a fairly obvious indicator of success. Did that mean that we didn't have any success? Nope.

As I went through all of our experiences, I realized how much we really have done.  We have done a lot work with the members, and helped them feel the spirit of the Lord, and helped them understand the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Part of the effectiveness of the atonement comes through your own ability to forgive.

We have seen a lot of people swallow their pride, and try to forgive and forget the things that they held against other members.

This branch has had a few new families move in, and take leadership positions, which really helps structure the work here, and give us all a little more direction.

We have found a nice little handful of new investigators. That is definitely going to help out whoever comes here next. We cleaned out our area book. Updated everything. Hunted down every name that was in that thing. Called every number. Talked to a lot of people.

One of the most important things however, was that our Branch mission leader, has deepened his understanding of the gospel to a degree that I can't even describe. He serves everybody. There is not a person in this branch that is not grateful for something that he has done in the past 3 weeks.

I have also learned a lot. And I mean a LOT. Now, we're talking about 2 cargo ships full of knowledge! Maybe even 3! Testimony, language, gospel, social skills, humility (still have a long way to go with that, though), cooking, sewing, plumbling, being travel agent, peace making, fasting...   But not writing long enough emails (according to my mom).

So, I finished going through everything we did, and I realized, that I am not quite as much of a failure as I sometimes think. The Lord has blessed me with more than I could ever give thanks. I try, every night. But, if I were to give thanks for every single thing that I am grateful for, I would be praying for a very long time. So, after a good solid couple of minutes, I just say, 'and thanks for everything else, too!'  I'm sure He understands, right?

And in doing that, in consciously trying to express my thanks for everything, I realize, that I really do have a good life. I am so happy all the time. I know that our Father in Heaven has a plan for us, and that we have the priveledge of living with our families forever! Even after death. And that makes me so happy, because my family is the best thing I have in this entire world!

Along those lines, this week, I have the opportunity to Skype with them, because it is Mother's Day in the States. I am so grateful for my mom. She is the bomb-diggidy. ¡Una máquina! 

I just want everybody to know that my Mom is the best. She is, and always been there for me, my dad, and my brothers. She does so much to help us become the people that God knows we can become. I join my voice with those of Helaman's stripling warriors (in the book of Mormon) that 'We do not doubt our mothers knew it'.

May everybody have a fantastic day, and learn something new!!

Os quiero mucho!
Elder Oliver

April 28 Email

This week we as a mission have a goal of becoming more exactly obedient to both the laws of the mission, and the laws of God. Both in the letter and the spirit. The Lord has told us, that all blessings come through obedience (Doctrine and Covenants 130:20-21), and that when we obey, the Lord is obliged to bless us (D&C 82:10).

If there is a lack, or a stagnation of blessings, surely there must be a lack of obedience. That is why as a mission we have decided to root out every last disobedience. We have been working hard, being obedient, being ever stronger and working together to work miracles here in Spain. By changing our own nature, we are capable of lifting others even higher. Closer to our Lord, Jesus Christ. We are his servants, called to do his work.

This last week, as a preparation for our week of obedience, we have been extra obedient in A, and guess what as happened! We found 3 new investigators! One of them is a kid named D. He is 18 years old, and over the last few weeks of playing soccer and cooking pancakes he has finally warmed up to the idea of the gospel. He has noticed that even though we are almost at exactly the same stages in our lives, in between high school and college, we are just a lot happier and hopeful. We don't worry about the same thing he worries about, questions that nag at the back of the mind, that nag the soul. He has warmed up to our message, and accepted the invitation to begin reading the Book of Mormon. 

We are hoping to help him understand the greatness of life, the eternal nature of our spirits, and our Heavenly Father's plan for him. We find great peace in the fact that there is a plan set out for us. Our God is not a god of disorder, but order. We can have faith that everything will work out well, as long as we do everything in our power to follow him. We're not perfect, and we don't pretend to be, but with Jesus Christ on our side we can do anything. Become anything.

This week has helped bring into focus what my goals are for my next 15 months. That's right. I have already passed my 9 month mark out here. I have written a list of things that I am working on. Imperfections in my nature, weaknesses, and annoying quirks. This list constitutes things that make it difficult to have the guidance of the holy spirit, or get along with people, or love people. I have noticed that as I have become conscious of these things and continuously work on polishing up my nature, I have been able to feel the guidance of the Holy Spirit more in my life. There are many things that make me imperfect, but with the help of Christ, and by obedience to his laws, I can become something better.

Have you guys seen the videos of the cultural celebration for the Gilbert Temple dedication?? Wow! That was fantastic! That is probably why this email isn't as long as you hope for!

I love you all!
I hope you have a great week:)
Os quiero mucho!
Elder Oliver

ps. I'll update you better next week!