D&C 20:10-12

10 And thy brother Oliver shall continue in bearing my name before the world, and also to the church. And he shall not suppose that he can say enough in my cause; and lo, I am with him to the end.

11 In me he shall have glory, and not of himself, whether in weakness or in strength, whether in bonds or free;

12 And at all times, and in all places, he shall open his mouth and declare my gospel as with the voice of a trump, both day and night. And I will give unto him strength such as is not known among men.

Monday, April 13, 2015


This week has been a really good week out here in Mazarrón, but WOW! Not nearly as interesting as your week! You guys are awesome. I can't believe Porter and the gang won the rock competition.

Rock on...

Anyways, this week we did all sorts of cool things, we fixed a computer, took a bus to Murcia, and taught one of our friends every day!

Whats more, we did some math, studied the scriptures, and made lots of phone calls!

Doesn't my week sound super interesting?
I bet.

Anyways, the math was a miracle, not that we were able to figure out the problem, but that in helping J (a less active here) with his math homework in the locutorio, he has totally opened up. He used to be pretty indifferent to us,  Now he actually smiles at us when we come into the locutorio. It's pretty awesome. Maybe he'll come to church this week with us.

As a companionship we have a goal of getting 11 of our 13 members that live in Mazarrón to church this week. We had 8 this week. 9, the week before. We were happy with the turnout. But not satisfied. We will never be satisfied until we get 13 of 13. 

The Good Shepherd isn't satisfied either. 99 of 100 isn't enough, but 100 of 100 is. Y is progressing pretty well, but she didn't come to church this last Sunday. She has been reading my copy of True to the faith still, and loves it. Now her excuse of not enough information doesn't count, haha.

V didn't come to church either this Sunday, however, he is doing well. He has done a lot of the paperwork to be able to bring his son to Spain, and he is on track to be able to repair his shattered family. He started reading the Book of Mormon from the beginning this week. He told us about the first couple of chapters, and he totally loved it. He really like the second chapter of Nephi.

C came to church, and he is working a ton now. He is really happy of late. We have not been able to meet with him, but he has come to church on his own again. 

Elder Pond is doing great. He really is proof of the benefits of study before the mission. He shows all sorts of potential in just about every aspect of missionary work. He and I have been having a great time here in Mazarrón. Tons of fun, and we are helping to pull this place together, and make them more united.

Pray with me that we will will be able to set a baptismal date on these three people. And that those fighting to be able to get married will be able to get married ASAP.

I have been practicing the violin a lot lately. And getting better. My hands are a little rusty, but despite that, my improv skillz have improved a ton since I left. I need to practice a bit more, so I am going to be spending my spare time on my violin.

That was basically this week.

I love you all, and I hope that this week can be just as awesome as last week.
Keep on rockin'!
Os quiero mucho
Elder Oliver

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