For those of you that don't know, Bailey is one of my very best friends, and she has just been called to serve in the Boston, MA Mission. I am so excited for her.
Secondly, WOW! This last General Conference has been the most enlightening, most inspiring conference I have ever watched. Every talk helped me understand better the love of Christ, and how I have been called to share that with the people of Spain. There are a few things that really stuck out to me, and helped me realize more the things that I need to work on to become a better person, a more Christ-like person.
We were taught repeatedly this conference to stand up for our beliefs. To not back down to those that would have us renounce the things we know to be true because they disagree with us. To be strong, but to be compassionate. That we should turn the other cheek, walk the extra mile. Be meek and humble, so people see that example of Christlike humility. Personally, I feel that the words compassion, love, and charity, are some of the most important words in the English language.
May ALL of us learn to be like Christ.
Anyways, this week has been a good week here in Algeciras. We have had reasonably good success in talking to more people this week than last, and with setting up appointments with people. That has helped us to feel more successful, which we really needed, because even Elder Bird started to feel a little bit discouraged.
Oh yeah, about that Ukrainian guy that we talked to, we tried to find him again, and his wife answered the door and basically told us to get lost. So that was a bummer, but still, it was a good boost of energy to have had somebody say they are interested at first.
Of those people that we found last week, most were families!! Like, real, structured families, which is something that is hard to find here in Algeciras. That has really boosted our morale, because the best thing in the world, even better than seeing an individual follow the example of Jesus Christ, is seeing that individual and his entire family start the journey to life eternal.
This week was a good week with the progress of E, one of our investigators that we have been working with. She has been reading the Book of Mormon now, and praying regularly. She has learned to express her wants, her needs, the things for which she is grateful, and for guidance, and after many weeks, she has finally come to the conclusion that she wants to be baptized. She recognizes that it is a step of faith in the right direction, and that as a result, she will have greater guidance, and more constant companionship of the Holy Ghost in her life.
Anyways, I have got to get going now, I hope that you all have a great week, and me too!
Os quiero mucho!
Elder Oliver
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