I am glad to hear that you had a fantastic Easter weekend! A big feast, family time, friends, and all that cool stuff. We definitely didn't have any of that here. There were not very many people that wanted to listen to us or have us over. Everybody was busy taking care of their own families, and not listening to us. Which resulted in a less-than spectacular week for numbers. However, we had a great lesson with J, in which we talked about the Resurrection, which is something he doesn't understand very well. We are going to read with him Alma 40, and teach him the plan of salvation, and commit him to read and pray.
Holy moly! Have you guys listened to the recent Handel's Messiah from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir? ¡Vaya! It blows me away how good they are. I haven't listened to the entire concert, but I would like to. Too bad it is 2 and a half hours long. I don't have 2.5 hours just lying around to relax and listen to some bomb music. That is something for my list of things to do when I get home. Which is coming way faster than I want it to. Time is flying. I just realized last week that by the time this transfer rolls to an end (block of 6 weeks) that the school year will be over in AZ. Well, almost over. 1 week left. But that is crazy. That means that I will hit my 1 year mark out of high school. I will officially be old. My little bro is going to be a Senior. That is super crazy!
Man, time is a weird thing. It feels like time is flying, and this week passed by quickly, but each day felt like an eternity... Because we were walking, all day. So, we got a lot of exercise this week. We were able to talk well in Spanish, and I got out of bed on time! That is something that I have been struggling with, and now we have started playing basketball in the mornings. That really helps me get up and going in the morning!
As I have studied the doctrine of the resurrection to help teach one of our investigators, I have come to understand really what it means to us. So many people ask why there is so much suffering in the world, so many calamaties, so many injustices. I have found great solace in the fact that I know that through Christ, a resurrection will happen. Every person that has ever lived on the earth, that has died, will receive again his or her body, in its perfect form. Our spirits which will have departed to that place which was prepared by the Lord, will return to inhabit our bodies again. Never to be separated. Never to be broken, injured, disfigured ever again. This is one of the greatest gifts that our God has given us.
EVERY person, regardless of who they are or what they have done will receive their perfected body, and they are saved from the sting of death. Christ has given us this gift free of charge. Christ is the 'firstfruits of those that have slept', through him we are all saved from death, and then we will be judged according to what has been our works and the desires of our hearts.
As we have passed the day in which we celebrate Christ's triumph over the grave, let us all remember the wonderful gifts he has given us.
Os quiero mucho!
Elder Oliver
Sorry for blurry photos