D&C 20:10-12

10 And thy brother Oliver shall continue in bearing my name before the world, and also to the church. And he shall not suppose that he can say enough in my cause; and lo, I am with him to the end.

11 In me he shall have glory, and not of himself, whether in weakness or in strength, whether in bonds or free;

12 And at all times, and in all places, he shall open his mouth and declare my gospel as with the voice of a trump, both day and night. And I will give unto him strength such as is not known among men.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Hey, my flight got in late today, so I missed the time when everybody else got to email their parents. the MTC is pretty awesome, there are probably about 100 missionaries that arrived today, and most are going to one of the three Spain Missions. I've met a whole bunch of missionaries going to Málaga, and it seems like everybody is just as excited as me.

I met two elders at Sky Harbor. Elder Clauf, and Elder Orr. Elder Orr is 6'10'', but I am just as tall as him when we sit down.

The flight was delayed in JFK due to major electrical storms, and it was pretty awesome to watch those storms from up above. There were 9 elders/sisters on the flight from JFK, so I wasn´t alone. 

My companion at the MTC is Elder Parkinson, he was just chosen as our District Leader, which is cool.

I am already somewhat conversational in Spanish, I can tell people simple facts and information about myself. We had a cool devotional, but everybody was super tired, so there was a long line of people standing in the back of the chapel, so that they wouldn´t fall asleep again.

Tomorrow we are going through the temple, which is absolutely gorgeous. On the front, it says, Le Casa Del Señor on the front entrance.

The food is great so far, but we´ve only had one meal. 

I hope you guys are doing great, because I am! And I hope your feelings aren´t hurt that I don´t really miss you guys!

Much love,
Elder Oliver

1 comment:

  1. Love it! We'll have to email Elder Oliver this afternoon. How fun that you've heard from him already!
